Comment Exposer ?
Envoyer un dossier de candidature à l'Association - A -,
Al Trial - Chemin de la Prade - 11240 Cailhau
Comprenant les pièces suivantes :
-Photo de l'artiste
-Votre nom, adresse, téléphone, mail
- CV
5 photos et un descriptif des oeuvres à exposer
Engagement sur l'honneur d'exposer et de vendre des originaux issus de votre création
Une attestation d'assurance responsabilité civile (photocopie de votre assurance civile)
Votre dossier de candidature sera examiné en commission,
réponse un mois après réception du dossier et valable pour l'année en court.
Le marché des Arts:
Avoir au moins 18 ans
Dossier de candidature accepté
Présence obligatoire de l'artiste sur son stand - l'exposant installe son stand avec son matériel d'exposition.
Installation10h, Ouverture du marché 11h, Fermeture 18h.
Coût du stand = 10€; pour les membres ‘A ‘= 5€
Marché des arts au foyer et sur la place Achille Laugé
+ le quartier des artisans d’art de Cailhau.
Les portes ouvertes des ateliers d’artistes :
- Dossier accepté
- Etre à jour de sa cotisation annuelle de 10€
- Signer la Charte
- Les portes ouvertes ont lieu à Cailhau « uniquement »
+ lieux d’expos (gratuits) dans le village à tous nos adhérents.
avec les artisans d’art de Cailhau « uniquement »
- Réalisation d’un dépliant (pub) = frais partagés par l’association et les participants.
La Presidente: Mireille Fourmont: fourmont.mi@orange.fr
La Secrétaire: Barbara Dordi : dordi.barbara@aliceadsl.fr
Le Trésorier: Chat Robinson: probinson@sfr.fr
Procedure for Exhibiting
Send an application to Association - A - , Al Trial, Chemin de la Prade, 11240 Cailhau Consisting of the following :
A photo of yourself
Your name, address, telephone number and email address
An up-to-date C.V.
Photos and a description of 5 of the works you will be exhibiting - together
with a declaration that these are your own original works.
- A photocopy of your personal insurance (usually covered by your house insurance)
Your application will be examined by the committee -
You can expect a response within one month of receipt. Your application is valid for one year - the year in which you apply.
Rules concerning exhibiting with the ArtMart :
18 years is the minimum age of artists permitted to exhibit.
Applications must have been accepted by the committee
The artist’s presence is obligatory throughout the day - the artists supplying his or her own exhibition materials
Setting up begins at 10am-the market opening at 11am and closing at 6pm.
Cost of exhibition space for one day =10€ but for Association ‘A’ members = 5€
The ArtMart will take place in the foyer and in place Achille Laugé
+ there will be a space for the artisans of Cailhau
Open Studios:
- Dossiers must have been accepted
- You must be up-to-date with the annual membership fee of 10€
- The Association Charter must have been signed.
- Open studios will be in Cailhau only.
- There will be free exhibition places in the village for all our members
including the artisans (of Cailhau only).
- A pamphlet (publicity)will be produced - the cost of which all members must agree to contribute to.
The committee can be contacted by email:
President - Mireille Fourmont :fourmont.mi@orange.fr
Secretary - Barbara Dordi :dordi.barbara@aliceadsl.fr
Treasurer - Chat Robinson: probinson@sfr.fr
Procedure for Exhibiting
Send an application to Association - A - , Al Trial, Chemin de la Prade, 11240 Cailhau Consisting of the following :
A photo of yourself
Your name, address, telephone number and email address
An up-to-date C.V.
Photos and a description of 5 of the works you will be exhibiting - together
with a declaration that these are your own original works.
- A photocopy of your personal insurance (usually covered by your house insurance)
Your application will be examined by the committee -
You can expect a response within one month of receipt. Your application is valid for one year - the year in which you apply.
Rules concerning exhibiting with the ArtMart :
18 years is the minimum age of artists permitted to exhibit.
Applications must have been accepted by the committee
The artist’s presence is obligatory throughout the day - the artists supplying his or her own exhibition materials
Setting up begins at 10am-the market opening at 11am and closing at 6pm.
Cost of exhibition space for one day =10€ but for Association ‘A’ members = 5€
The ArtMart will take place in the foyer and in place Achille Laugé
+ there will be a space for the artisans of Cailhau
Open Studios:
- Dossiers must have been accepted
- You must be up-to-date with the annual membership fee of 10€
- The Association Charter must have been signed.
- Open studios will be in Cailhau only.
- There will be free exhibition places in the village for all our members
including the artisans (of Cailhau only).
- A pamphlet (publicity)will be produced - the cost of which all members must agree to contribute to.
The committee can be contacted by email:
President - Mireille Fourmont :fourmont.mi@orange.fr
Secretary - Barbara Dordi :dordi.barbara@aliceadsl.fr
Treasurer - Chat Robinson: probinson@sfr.fr
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